In Loving Memory of 


Jacob John Heit


Jacob John Heit

January 30th 2007 – April 3rd 2008


Jacob John Heit passed away suddenly at the age of 14 months for reasons that we may never know.  He was our only child, and the sweetest little boy that you have ever met.   Our son was one of a kind, a boy who left this world too early, but who changed it for the better.   The following words that were read at his memorial describe our sweet little man to a tee.

Jacob – such a little man!   Fourteen months ago, a life came to this world that changed it.  A little miracle was born.  Since that day, a little man filled so many lives with love, laughter and joy.  He was so blessed to have so much family and so many people around you who love him ~ they touched his life and much as he touched theirs. He wasn’t just a son, he was everyone’s “little buddy” and “best friend”.  And oh, was he a busy boy, he never stood still.  From the moment he started crawling at 5 months, to walking by 10 and running by 12, he made sure to live every moment of his short life to the fullest. 

It was the small things in life that made him so happy.  Puppies and kitties, watermelon and wheels, tractors and trucks, swimming and songs, dancing and driving, balloons and balls.  Hearing the rattling of the crib and the 6:30am conversations he had with his favorite green blanket, was the best alarm clock ever made.  The only kid who “liked” to get dressed to go outside ~ taking his shoes, coat and hat to the back door, and putting on Mom and Dad’s shoes when he thought  it was time to take his favorite puppy Hailey out for a walk.  So particular he was ~ nothing was allowed in the back of his dump truck, no one but him could ride his tractor, not even dad.  And heaven forbid if you sat in his little red chair!  So caring and compassionate, even with the hint of mischief in his eyes.  For someone so young, he knew how to make you smile and laugh.  He was an example of how we should live life.  He could care less about what happened in the world, as long as those in his world were happy. 

Our little man, the love of our lives, our little Jakie.


When Jacob was born, his Grandma gave us a poem that we lived by – making sure that we took in every moment with Jacob, and living each day not knowing if we’d have a tomorrow.  Little did we know how short Jacob’s life would be, but we do know that he lived a full, happy life, and this poem helped us to do this. 

If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again
by Diane Loomans

If I had my child to raise all over again,
I’d build self esteem first, and the house later.
I’d fingerpaint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I’d take more hikes and fly more kites.
I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I’d do more hugging and less tugging.
I’d see the oak tree in the acorn more often.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I’d model less about the love of power,
And more about the power of love.